Arcangel/Willats Interview Response:

From a young age, I was diagnosed with several things that collectively categorized me as one with Learning Disabilities. Throughout the entirety of my academic career, I have been able to discover alternative learning strategies which will allow me to keep up with everyone else. When reading this article, I found one quote in particular to jump out at me; “I realized that the phenomenological aspect of actual personal experience was going to be more meaningful to the audience than referential experience, in which someone relays his or her experience to you.” When reading this, I immediately connected it with the feeling I get when sitting in the classroom of a course which does not come easy to me. For example, I often times have difficulty retaining the information within a history classroom. Hearing the professor talk about various events in U.S. history are difficult for me to visualize, and connect with. I will often times go online and find video clips to help me better understand. I too believe that if I were to simply hear about the description of artwork, it would in no way be as helpful or enlightening as it would be to see the artwork with my own eyes- to get the phenomenological aspect of the artwork.

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