Emily White/David Lowery Reading Reponse

In all honesty, I am not totally sure the last time I actually paid for the music i listen to. With all the streaming platforms and abilities to download music “illegally,” i do not find much of a reason for me to spend money on a song.  If i want to support an artist, i will stream their music and  buy tickets (which are usually overpriced) to go and watch them live.  Of course, I always feel bad when I don’t buy an album from an artist I really do love until i lookup their net worth and compare it to my own income, which makes me feel a bit less guilty.  If we were offered anything for free that would normally cost money wouldn’t we take it?  I do not believe that anyone with that choice would decide to spend money they didn’t have to, especially in this economy.  I do not believe people will never stop buying music due to their beliefs in supporting musicians and possible lack of knowledge in downloading and streaming.  I also do not believe that people will ever stop spending too much money on an artist they really love and support.  I am almost positive that I’ve spent far over $2,000 on lil wayne concert tickets over the past 4 years, because i refuse to miss a concert and/or have nose bleed seats.  Both White and Lowery make valid points but I do not believe all people will ever buy music nor illegally download it.  The internet has created a provided a dilemma that has only begun for the music industry.  How it will pan out? I do not believe anyone is really sure yet.

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